The Story of Amos

As told by his mom Eve:
Adopting Amos is one of the best things that I have ever done.
Amos was a birthday gift to myself. After years of wanting a dog but never being in the right place to be a good “dog mom “ it was finally my time. I decided the best way to see if I was truly ready was to foster a dog.
When the foster coordinator reached out to me about Amos, I was already in love with him. I could pick him up in a week or two. I couldn’t’ wait! “I’m just going to foster, I’m not going to keep him” I told everyone. They all laughed and said “yeah right”. Inside, I knew he was mine before I ever met him – but I can be a bit stubborn, so I continued to say, “He’s a foster”.
Bringing Amos Home
I got my zipcar and went to pick-up Amos. It felt weird to be handed a dog by someone who had only met me by phone. He was a bit wild, very skinny, and extremely sensitive to motion it turned out. Our first adventure, his trip home, ended with a backseat full of half-digested kibble and me explaining to the person scheduled to use the zipcar after me that this wasn’t the car for them. We walked home, me in a t-shirt in the winter (having used my sweatshirt to clean up the mess) and Amos a mixture of excitement, hunger, and curiosity, and began our adventures.
Since the day he arrived, Amos has brought me joy.
His previous “owner” had let him go after he served his purposes as a hunting dog. Amos had likely never known love and care. His teeth are mostly worn down to nubs in the front, probably from chewing his cage. Those that remained were partially rotten and fractured. His ear has a piece missing, likely from where his ID tag was ripped off by this same person, this ensured he couldn’t be tracked back to him. He had a cough that wouldn’t quit, and his skin was red and sore from the elements and a diet of who knows what. And, of course, he was skinny as can be.
Despite all of these negative experiences, Amos was a happy guy. His tail wagged at everyone and quickly earned the nickname, “The Mayor” because it was important for him to meet and greet all people in the building.
Living indoors was a new experience for Amos. We had differing views on appropriate behavior. He felt the coffee table was the perfect “look out” and thought anything on the counter was up for grabs. We compromised and he got access to the couch. He chewed things and had accidents. Sometimes he barked at the cats or got a little too sassy. I won’t pretend I didn’t get upset, I did, but I didn’t get mad at him. He was learning and learning takes time.

The Best Dog Ever
Fast forward a year and a half and he’s even more amazing. He’s healthy, walks like a champ on a leash, and has been an excellent foster brother to a dozen dogs seeking homes of their own. Is he perfect? No. But, he’s perfect for me.
Amos reminds me daily to enjoy the little things. He loves when we walk a new route and he finds something new to smell or when I give him a little piece of my dinner. He forces me to get out and exercise every day. He helps me meet new people and has helped me make new friends. Coming home to him is the favorite part of my day. I’m so thankful for him and for CDR for rescuing him and giving me the opportunity to be his person.