City Dogs Rescue Celebrates An Extra Special Double Adoption

They say good things come to those that wait. Since May, Daisy and Buttercup (a bonded pair of rat terriers) have been waiting for their forever home. During that time, they enjoyed the warmth, love and security of three foster homes.

Kate, their first foster, literally came to their rescue when Bladen County’s A Shelter Friend informed us that as owner surrenders and a bonded pair, these girls would be first to be put down. The plea read “Don’t let these girls die alone!” After Kate had to move, another great foster, Leslie took them for a few weeks while CDR tried to find a long-term foster. It was so great that CDR found Karen who took the pair in with her dog Sausage and allowed them to get treatment for heartworm. All their foster parents agreed – these were two great girls that simply couldn’t be separated.

City Dogs Rescue felt the same and worked hard to find just the right home for them. Over the summer, they battled with heartworm and medical costs that exceeded $4,000. With lots of attention on the website, at adoption events, on the blog, on the Facebook page and Twitter, City Dogs Rescue kept the faith that one day the right person would come along. City Dogs Rescue did a lot of outreach to community and these famous girls appeared in: Borderstan, DCist, the Daily Dog Tag, The DC Examiner. In fact, if you search Google images for “Daisy and Buttercup”, the pictures that come up are these sweet girls. CDR’s great sponsor Nellie’s Sports Bar featured the girls for a month in their weekly newsletters with the ad at the left. Their YouTube video has over 1,000 views!

Amy signed up to volunteer with dog intake for new shelter dogs. She got to talking with Darren about her dream to adopt a pair of dogs. After months of waiting, CDR received their first application for Daisy and Buttercup. Amy loves them dearly and has decided that Patty and Selma are very suitable names. CDR agrees.