last updated 12/3/2020
Please visit our updated COVID Operations page

CDR&CK wants to do our part in flattening the curve, protecting the most vulnerable, and preventing a surge in our health system during the current pandemic. So in an abundance of caution, we will make the following adjustments to continue operations while protecting our community. 

Source: @amdar1ing on Twitter


All adoption and in-person fundraising events are canceled until further notice. Please follow our events or Facebook page to stay up-to-date on our current schedule.

Office Hours & Supplies

 Due to current circumstances created by COVID-19 we have closed traditional office hours. Should you need anything from the office please message us with “SUPPLIES NEEDED” in the subject line to arrange pick up from a private home. Please check the website for any updates, as the situation is ever-evolving. If you are ill, please reach out so we can get supplies to you. 


If you feel unwell, have recently returned from a high risk location, or have been exposed to COVID-19, please do not engage in any volunteer activities. STAY HOME and take care of yourself. It’s still flu season and any illness should preclude volunteering. 

If you volunteered in the past few weeks and exhibit any signs of illness or have been exposed to COVID-19, please let us know as soon as possible.

Fosters and Shelter Coordination 

Our shelter partners rely on our ability to rescue at a certain rate each month to limit euthanasia due to a lack of space at their shelters. We will make every effort to maintain our regular transport schedules. However, if fosters become ill and are unable to care for an animal, it may become necessary to create an “air gap” and temporarily reduce the number of dogs and cats we can transport. This will hopefully free up fosters homes to allow us to move animals from one foster home to another. If you are available to foster, visit our foster page to learn more. 

If you become ill, but you are still able to provide care for your foster, please continue to do so. We are not requiring you to return your cat or dog to the rescue. However, if you are unable to care for your foster, contact your foster assistant so we can provide support or transfer of your cat or dog. The CDC states there is no evidence that pets can contract or spread the virus.

Transports and Intake

We have developed process improvements  to our transports and intakes. To date:

  • Thanks to Historic Congression Cemetery, we secured a short-term large outside space so that volunteers can easily practice recommended social distancing. We cannot thank them enough for hosting us!
  • Requiring face masks for all attendees. 
  • We are limiting the number of people who can attend intake.
  • Enabling phone-to-phone check-out using electronic forms and records. 
  • Enacting enhanced cleaning protocols. We have medical grade cleaning products in supply.​​

Home Visits

Home visits will temporarily transition from in-person to virtual. Adoption counselors and home visit volunteers will work with applicants to conduct the home study through one of the various communication tools, such as  Google HangoutsSkypeFacebook Messenger, or Facetime. Applicants will walk the counselor or home visit volunteer through their home and outside space (if applicable). If you need additional guidance please reach out.

Meet & Greets

If you are a part of the vulnerable population or otherwise concerned about people entering your home, we are offering a no-fault 7-day trial adotion period to allow you the time necessary to get to know your dog or cat before a final committment.

When conducting an in person meet & greet:

  • Remember do not shake hands.
  • Meet outside if possible.

​Trial Adoption Overview
This agreement between City Dogs Rescue (CDR) and the adopter allows the adopter to take home the adopted dog for a short-term trial period of no more than seven days prior to completing a permanent adoption. CDR offers this trial period in good faith to assist the potential adopter in evaluating the suitability of this dog in their household. The adopter agrees to take responsibility for the adopted dog as their own during the trial period.
This trial-adoption time period is no more than seven days without the express permission of City Dogs Rescue, Inc.

  • If within the 7-day period, I decided to permanently adopt this dog I will provide written confirmation to my adoption counselor at CDR.
  • If I decide to return the dog to CDR during the Trial Period, I will coordinate arrangements with my CDR representative. I understand that CDR will need at least a few days, but possibly longer depending upon the time of year and the availability of foster families, to identify an appropriate foster home for this dog and I will continue to foster the dog with love and care until placement is found. Once I notify CDR of my decision to return the dog, I will agree to (i) sign and be bound by the terms of the foster agreement; (iii) relinquish any claims of ownership to the dog; and (iii) my notice shall serve as a termination of the Adoption Agreement, except that any liabilities arising out of or relating to the Adoption Agreement incurred prior to my notification to CDR of my desire to return the dog shall remain liabilities of mine and the applicable terms of the Adoption Agreement shall survive the termination. The adoption fee will be refunded, or if agreed to by both parties, may be applied to a different dog.

I understand that the recent transitions are traumatic for a dog and that our adopted dog needs time to adjust. I will: 

  • Review the Adopter Quick Tips and other resources.
  • Keep a collar and identification on the adopted dog and I am responsible for the adopted dog’s supervision.
  • Provide the adopted dog with a consistent schedule to help reduce anxiety during the adjustment period.
  • Designate a safe spot for the adopted dog within the home where the adopted dog can go to decompress and be alone at their own discretion. This space is identified to provide a quiet place where the adopted dog will not be disturbed when feeling overwhelmed. CDR strongly recommends providing and using a crate as this safe spot. 
  • NOT take my adopted dog to public events or visits with other people for at least 10 days to allow my adopted dog the time and space to adjust.
  • NOT have visitors come meet our adopted dog for at least 10 days. 
  • NOT leave my adopted dog unsupervised with children at any time.
  • NOT use punishment methods or tools such as choke, prong, or shock (electronic training collar) collars to train the adopted dog and I will not engage a trainer or training program that uses these methods and tools.
  • Contact my CDR representative if I experience any challenges with the adopted dog to determine the best resources available to help the adopted dog adjust.
  • Provide adequate time and space for any additional animals and adopted dog to adjust. I will use safeguards and follow CDR guidance to slowly introduce each animal to the other. 

The adopter agrees and understands that during the Trial Period, as is stated in the Adoption Agreement, the adopter takes full responsibility for medical care, other costs, and liabilities of the dog.  Notwithstanding the above, during the Trial Period only, the following exceptions apply:

  1. Follow up parasite treatment for any parasites identified during initial vetting and noted on the “Initial Health Summary” provided in the adopted dog’s records.
  2. Flea/tick and heartworm prevention that is due during their trial period. Requests for pick up should be sent to
  3. Any injury to the dog that is noted during intake that requires emergency treatment. This request must be submitted through our vet care form to be considered as an exception to the medical policy.
  4. A 2-week extension of rescue supplied treatment for upper respiratory infections if deemed necessary. These medications must be obtained directly from CDR or else the cost will not be covered. This request must be submitted through our vet care form to be considered as an exception to the medical policy.