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Enrichment for Cats

Vetcare How-Tos

  • Weighing a Cat: To grab a weight using a food scale, you first turn the scale on. Next, put a small box (like a shoe box or something a bit larger but not too large that it covers the display so you can’t read it) or large mixing bowl on the scale & hit tare/zero button. Once the scale out is tared (aka zeroed out), you can put the kitty in the box/bowl, then you have their weight! We prefer weights in lbs/oz but it’s fine in kg too. You can do this for adult cats or kittens. If you’re using a human scale to get a cat’s weight, first weigh yourself. Then weigh yourself again while holding the cat near the center of your body; don’t take off or put on any additional clothing as this will change your original weight. Subtract the higher number (weight of you + cat) from the lower number (your weight only) & the difference is the cat’s weight. This method only works well for adult cats, which typically weigh more than 8 lbs.
  • Checking a Cat’s Hydration
  • Taking Temp on a Cat
  • Cleaning Ears

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