Vanessa always wanted a furry companion of her own and took the first step when she signed up to volunteer with City Dogs & City Kitties Rescue. Upon seeing 1.5-year-old Sasha’s photo online as a pup in need of fostering, something in her heart immediately knew that she and Sasha belonged together. As Vanessa puts it, “I looked at her picture and said, ‘that’s my dog’!”

Sasha originally came to CDCK via a partner shelter in Southwest Virginia. While little is known about the first year of Sasha’s life, at some point she received a leg injury that never healed quite right. Despite this, Sasha consistently showed love to everyone around her in a happy and friendly manner. Shelter volunteers in Virginia described her as “a ray of sunshine who is very special, it’s hard to explain how amazing she is until you meet her.” To provide young Sasha with the best quality of life possible, her injured leg was amputated shortly before the end of 2022. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, CDCK was able to take care of Sasha’s medical expenses. After her surgery, Sasha healed quickly and was soon ready to leap into her new life full of love.

Sasha’s three-legged “tripawd” status endeared her even further to Vanessa, who was herself differently abled for much of last year. She explains, “Just because I couldn’t move or walk the same didn’t mean I deserved any less quality of life, much like Sasha. If you make space in your heart and mind for animals that aren’t the ‘perfect package’ on paper, it’s worth it and very rewarding. She might not be ‘perfect’, but she is perfect for me.” Vanessa finds that keeping an open mind and a willingness to learn Sasha’s needs and preferences (need: a small ramp to easily access couch cuddles, preference: public snuggle breaks while on walks) is key to creating a comfortable life for them both.  

Since her adoption on January 7, 2022, Sasha has been living her best life with her new best friend. Sasha remains very active and has not let her loss of limb hold her back. She still enjoys running and takes multiple walks daily. Like most dogs, she also loves a lazy day and can often be found snoozing on a blanket after a visit to the park. Her favorite space in the home has quickly become anywhere Vanessa is, and she has a particular fondness for her pink elephant toy (pictured below). Vanessa appreciates the constant companionship and unconditional love that Sasha has brought to her life, and we wish the duo many happy years of camaraderie!